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How property managers can help reduce families energy bills


As property managers across the UK know, the energy price crisis has caused widespread concern for millions of families who are now struggling to pay huge energy bills.

Stop your heat network from burning money


Across the UK, right now, heat networks are burning through unnecessary gas, squandering precious resources, releasing preventable carbon emissions, and wasting money at a time of an unprecedented cost of living crisis.

Get your heat network under control and decarbonise now


Heating is the UK’s biggest source of carbon emissions. Right now, 500,000 UK homes are connected to heat networks that are supposed to be more efficient and generate fewer carbon emissions, but they are wasteful from the point of installation.

What is the best approach to deliver low temperature and low carbon heat networks?


Can heat consumers enjoy affordable, reliable and low carbon heat? Can heat suppliers lower capex and opex spends and also deliver excellent heat network performance?

Leveraging the revised metering and billing regs to deliver excellent heat network performance


What is the best strategy for dealing with the revised metering and billing regulations? What does it mean for housing associations and their residents?

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Interested in finding out how our insights can help your heat network?