Cut your heat network costs with Minibems
As finance managers across the UK know, managing budgets is a weekly challenge during these unprecedented times for energy price hikes. This isn’t just bad news for those in charge of managing operational budgets for heat networks, it’s also bad news for families.
At Minibems we’ve surveyed thousands of properties on heat networks and were alarmed to find most of them to be highly inefficient and costly, to both the organisations managing them and householders. Prior to the recent price rises, gas was comparatively cheap with a low on-charge to residents, so high levels of waste combined with relatively low levels of complaints led to inaction within the heat network sector.
With gas prices soaring, the time for action is now. The high level of waste should never have been accepted because of the environmental impact of unnecessarily burning gas but with alarming increases in utility costs, the operational expenditure will now be severely affected. Sticking with traditional, inefficient heat networks will lead to high heat tariffs and bills for residents, with no protection against even more increases. This situation will probably last for many years before the market settles down.
So, if you want to reduce tenant bills by up to £500 per annum, have an ROI of less than 3 years on project costs (and possibly less than 2) to achieve this, get in touch today to arrange a meeting so we can confirm your savings and payback periods. Please also ask about the Minibems guaranteed performance service.
Let’s all act now before residents get caught in the fuel poverty trap.
Current heating bill costs vs Minibems heating bill costs
We guarantee the minimum efficiency of the heat network, and a level of savings. This ensures low heat tariffs and protects residents from spiralling heating costs.
These are easy savings you can make today, call our sales team on 01202 122 520, we’ll be happy to help.
Latest news
Minibems delivers equivalent carbon savings to converting a petrol car to an electric car, for twenty times less capital cost
Reducing our carbon footprint is typically an expensive task requiring extensive capital investment. However installing Minibems onto a heat network typically saves 1 tonne of carbon, per annum, for every apartment it’s fitted into.
Minibems can reduce residents heat tariffs by as much as 22 pence per kWh
With gas prices soaring the opportunity for real and tangible cost savings on heat networks has never been greater.
Cut the carbon in your heat network today
Minibems can cut an average of 1 tonne of carbon emissions per home per annum – saving you money too. By controlling each apartment with our unique and patented Dynamic flow control system we achieve the savings by optimising flow rates through your HIU.
Cut your heat network costs with Minibems
As finance managers across the UK know, managing budgets is a weekly challenge during these unprecedented times for energy price hikes. This isn’t just bad news for those in charge of managing operational budgets for heat networks, it’s also bad news for families.
Interested in finding out how our experience can help your heat network?